Medicine of Mystics School

Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation through the sacred fire.




A 4-week offering - Next session begins on 9/9/2024



Days until the magic begins:









Have you been feeling disconnected from your inner fire and yearning for a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in your life?





𓆸 a feeling of emptiness?


𓆸 a longing for something more?


𓆸 a yearning for purpose that whispers in the depths of your soul?


𓆸 a sensation of being adrift?


𓆸 a lacking of vitality and passion that should fuel your every step? 


𓆸 stepping into a space where that flame within you is reignited.


𓆸 your passion blazing brightly, illuminating the path ahead with clarity and purpose.


𓆸 yourself surrounded by a community of kindred spirits, all stoking their own flames, all walking the journey alongside you.

If you've been feeling the ache of disconnection, if you've been longing to reclaim your inner fire, join us. 


In this sacred space you will:




𓆸 Feel the warmth of the inner fire that burns within each of us.


𓆸 Experience the transformative power of ancient rituals and ceremonies, connecting with the primal energies of the elements.


𓆸 Embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal.


𓆸 Delve deep into the depths of your being, uncovering hidden truths and awakening dormant potentials.


𓆸 Navigate the twists and turns of your inner landscape, emerging stronger, wiser, and more radiant than ever before.



Together, we'll ignite the flames of transformation, illuminating the path to a life filled with purpose, passion, and profound connection.




Ignite your inner flame and awaken your authentic power


Embark on a journey of profound self-discovery and transformation


Learn ancient shamanic techniques to navigate the depths of your soul


Connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals






𓆸 Weekly 90-minute group live zoom fire ceremonies led by Tami. 


𓆸 A personalized healing crystal talisman shipped to you for this initiation.


𓆸Access to shamanic tools and practices for inner transformation. 


𓆸 A 30-minute 1:1 session with Tami in this sacred container.


𓆸Guidance and support from Tami throughout the journey. 


𓆸 Integration rituals and practices to anchor insights into daily life.


𓆸 A deeper connection with the elements and your own inner wisdom.


Are you ready to embark on this profound journey?

Choose the flow that's right for you:

Sacred Fire Initiation - Full Payment


1 Payment

Get 20% discount by paying today the whole year together. (BEST VALUE)


Sacred Fire Initiation - Monthly Payment


4 Payments

Pay month-by-month and enjoy all the benefits of the journey. (MORE FLEXIBLE)

About your guide 
Welcome Sister, I am Tami!
A Mystic, Medicine Woman, Womb Keeper, and Land Activator. 

I am a  seasoned spiritual guide dedicated to helping individuals reclaim their inner power and connect with their true purpose. With a deep understanding of the mystical and spiritual realms, I have embarked on my own profound journey of self-discovery and healing.

My path has led me to embrace various shamanic practices, drawing inspiration from the wisdom of ancient traditions, Lemurian Codes, the high mountains of Peru, and Daoist Stone Medicine. My journey has been a continuous exploration of the soul, a journey that I now share with others who seek to awaken their inner magic.

As an empath, I masterfully create a safe and sacred space for my clients to delve in to their own spiritual depths. I am a guide on the journey to access one's sacred soul records, to trust intuition, to embrace mystical practices and to lean in to the power of community and sisterhood.

I am passionate about breaking free from old paradigms and stepping into the New Earth paradigms. I help my clients not only transform the way they work but also how they walk in their personal lives and interact with their families and communities.

I empower individuals to heal themselves and to stand in their own sovereignty.  I provide them with the tools to navigate their soul journey, understand their resistances, and confidently be their most authentic self.

Each beautiful soul I have encountered on this path has inspired me with the medicine teachings they bring forth. These translate in to the potent offerings I have created: Alchemy of Your Soul Medicine, Priestess of the Elements Initiations, Mystical Rhythm of the Year Journey, and  Sacred Fire Gathering. 

Join me on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual awakening.

Embrace your inner mystic and unlock the boundless potential that lies within you.


Are you Still doubting your gut calling?

Read What a Few of Our Sisters Had to Say:

Contact Us

Send us any questions you may have!